Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Wii!

November 19th is an important date for Nintendo. It is on this day, two years ago, that their highly successful Wii system first emerged from its boxed womb to spread joy to gamers across the globe. Much like a new parent slowly learning how to care for a newborn, Wii owners slowly came to grips with its bold new motion-based gameplay. Mistakes were made, and lessons were learned, but we eventually figured out the basics of handling the Wii (wee-one) in our households.
Okay, enough of that.
In all honesty, the Wii has had a remarkable first two years, not just in terms of games, but also in sales. I doubt even the big N could have predicted that it would take this long for the system to be readily available.
So here's wishing a very happy birthday to the Nintendo Wii. Let's just hope that the "terrible twos" does not apply to pieces of plastic.

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